Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Case Garden is a community learning and fun garden which is managed and cared for by the Case Garden Moms & Tots and other volunteer community groups and individuals. We are located on the East side of Tucson, Arizona, USA We are host to many fun and free events for all ages so please visit our calendar and see what is coming up next. Our garden has a variety of types of plants; beautiful flowers, herbs, fruits. It is not broken up by plots like a typical community garden. Our garden is a constant learning and fun place where we gather to grow lots of different edible and non edible plants for their beauty and to use them in a variety of crafts or even in some recipes!We encourage other groups to join up with us on one of our many projects to beautify and maintain this special place. If your group would be interested in adopting an area to maintain please contact our garden coordinator at All gardeners new or seasoned, young or old are always welcome and encouraged to join us during our community events. It takes a lot of help to maintain the garden and promote our events so we are always looking for new volunteers of all ages to lend a hand.